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Slow it Down | Your Weight Loss Journey

Updated: Feb 6, 2019

Slow it down--not only in life but in the way we approach food. When was the last time that you actually sat down and ate a meal without distractions? No television. No computer. No phone. We are always in such a hurry to do everything, get places, and take care of everyone else that it is tempting to go through that drive-thru or eat on the run. The problem with that is that we hardly remember we ate anything. Or, we eat so quickly that we get uncomfortably full and then regret eating the portion that we did.

Many patients tell me that the hardest part after surgery--especially for lapbanders--is to slow down eating and thoroughly chew up the food.  We have been programed to eat quickly and take a big ole bite of something.  The problem with this after surgery is that it will feel very uncomfortable.  There is a reason why it is important to slow down your eating.   Chewing and actually paying attention to what your are eating is part of the process to help your body and mind know when you have had enough.  When we eat too quickly, our body doesn't have a chance to tell us that we have overeaten until it is too late.

There are a couple of ways to help with speedy eating. Try eating only when you are sitting down at a table. No eating in the car or in front of the television. Put down the fork in between bites. Count to 20 or 30 before swallowing your food. Yes, this might take a bit more planning, but being healthy usually does. Try this simple steps and see what happens.


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