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Writer's pictureDr. Melissa Bailey

Make a Commitment to Yourself | Your Weight Loss Journey

One of the things that I often ask patients before surgery is "how is your life going to be different after surgery?"  I usually get an answer like "dramatically" or "I will need to really change my eating habits."  I then proceed to go over all of the things that are going to need to change.  Sometimes I wonder how much of what I am saying is sinking in.  In the excitement of the surgery, the subsequent life changes can seem like it will just fall into place after surgery.  Not always the case.

One way to stay on track after surgery is to continue to make a daily, and sometimes hourly commitment, to your new lifestyle.  When you wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and say, "I am making a commitment to myself to eat healthier and stay on track."  Sound silly?  Well, think about all of the people in your life that you have made a verbal or nonverbal commitment to--like your spouse, your kids, your job, your family, your education.  Whether we know it or not, we are making commitments on a regular basis.  The problem is that we often do not make the same level of commitment to ourselves.

Success after surgery is all about planning, sticking to the plan in the face of that favorite snack or meal, getting all the protein when you would rather not, and exercising when you do not really feel up to it.  It is about a commitment to yourself.  This can be tough for some.   I know that many people I interview before surgery have spent their life taking care of other people--pushing their needs aside.  Surgery success does not happen with that kind of attitude.  You need to take a stand for yourself.  You can do it.

Make a commitment right now, to yourself, that you are going to stay on track. You will get all of your protein grams in today.  You will take the stairs instead of the elevator.  You will chose water over soda.  You will slow down your eating and not eat "on the go."  You will make time for yourself.

You will be amazed at the results.

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